Following the debut For Love and Light in 2021, Till I Can Gain Control Again is the second album by Berlin-based artist Luke Scerri under the pseudonym Fake Ophelia.

Written and recorded by Scerri himself, the album sways between traditionally structured songs to more contemplative delicate experimental pieces, keeping traces of psychedelia from his first record, but moving more towards what can be called ‘art pop’.

“After the first album was released, I was really excited to jump into the next thing which felt very clear in my mind,” says Scerri.

“I knew I wasn’t going to work in a studio this time and I knew that I wanted to make something that leans further towards experimentation in terms of style and structure. I was lucky enough to be surrounded by musician friends and artists who lent me their talents on this album, and made this possible in the way I imagined it.”

The album cover. Photo: Rachel Micallef SomervilleThe album cover. Photo: Rachel Micallef Somerville

Scerri says the process of producing the album was interesting because he could feel himself being pulled in different directions at the same time, resulting in the album coming out differently than he had originally planned.

“I’ve found comfort in accepting this is analogous to the way circumstances alter one’s own path,” he says.

“Like the parent who shouldn’t have favourites but naturally does, there are a few songs in the album which speak to me louder. There are sweeter songs and more bitter ones, and I love it when the two somehow meet in the middle.

“I chose Till I Can Gain Control Again as a title simply because it admits some sort of defeat, while also having some hope and pointing towards some sense of recovery.”

The album was released by Berlin-based Maltese label My Fair Lsdy on November 1 and is available on all streaming platforms.


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