The government paid €1m from taxpayer funds to expropriate a 100m pathway between two residential roads in Victoria, saying it will be transformed into a new road.

The Gozo Ministry says the expropriation is for a public purpose, but sources fear that it will primarily benefit private contractors who need the road to develop the land.

The expropriation and building of a new road paves the way for private development to take place between the two roads. Previously, development along this pathway could not take place since planning laws say that any development needs to have frontal access to a road.

Sources say that several developers are known to be eyeing the land, with several other development projects already in the works just metres away.

The expropriated pathway. Photo: Daniel CiliaThe expropriated pathway. Photo: Daniel Cilia

When contacted, a spokesperson for the Gozo Ministry denied the suggestion that the land was being expropriated to accommodate property owners, saying that this claim is “not true”.

The spokesperson said that the expropriation “forms part of a wider programme aimed at improving traffic flow”.

A stone’s throw away from the Gozo hospital

Currently, the unpaved pathway runs between Triq Ġużeppi Spiteri, a residential road a stone’s throw away from the Gozo hospital, and Triq Għajn Qatet, a one-way road leading from St Francis square in Victoria to the outskirts of Xewkija.

Triq Ġużeppi Spiteri branches out from Triq Għajn Qatet and leads to the newly-expropriated road which is currently a dead end into the back of the hospital mortuary.

The site as it currently stands. Image: Karl Andrew MicallefThe site as it currently stands. Image: Karl Andrew Micallef

But the area’s local plan indicates that the road is schemed to connect back onto Triq Għajn Qatet, with the mortuary room eventually moved elsewhere.

This would mean that the road effectively forms a loop, raising questions over its utility in alleviating congestion.

The expropriated land (outlined in green) leads to a dead end. Image: Karl Andrew MicallefThe expropriated land (outlined in green) leads to a dead end. Image: Karl Andrew Micallef

But the Gozo Ministry insists that the greatest benefit to commuters will be once it opens a second stretch of road connecting the newly-expropriated street to the much busier Triq l-Arċisqof Pietru Pace artery.

The ministry says it is “currently studying the possibility” to open this road, which is also schemed within the area’s local plan.

The government says it might build another stretch of road in the future. Image: Karl Andrew MicallefThe government says it might build another stretch of road in the future. Image: Karl Andrew Micallef

But doing so would require further expropriation and “some adjustments to the alignment to improve vehicle manoeuvrability”.

The government's readiness to fork out €1 million to open only half of this stretch, while still investigating the feasibility of opening the remaining portion, raises questions.

But the ministry defended that decision, saying if it "were to wait for a piecemeal approach or third-party requests, these networks would take years to come into effect”.

Furthermore, while the junction would divert traffic away from Victoria's centre to the south of the island, the Għajn Qatet area is already accessible through another similar road. A road branching out from Victoria's main road and through Xewkija is already widely used by motorists to avoid the Victoria traffic.

What the law says about expropriating land

Malta’s laws say the government can expropriate private land if it is required for a public purpose and if the landowners are adequately compensated.

The definition of public purpose is fairly broad, incorporating everything from town-planning to municipal services, tourism and cultural heritage.

But in instances when there is no public purpose to expropriate, but private developers need a stretch of land to carry out development, the government can also expropriate private land on their behalf – usually an option reserved for instances in which multiple landowners are unable to reach an agreement over a sale of land to a third party.

In that case, the government typically steps in to expropriate the land on behalf of a private individual, with the individual footing the bill.

However, notices in Malta’s Government Gazette reveal that the Victoria pathway expropriation, which took place in two stages between 2022 and 2023 was carried out for a public purpose, with taxpayers ultimately paying for the land.

In one instance, the expropriation notice says that the land “is being acquired in connection with the widening of Triq Ġużeppi Spiteri”, while the other points to the need to buy the land “in connection with the formation of roads”.

New road will ‘improve traffic flow’: Gozo Ministry

In reply to questions, the Gozo Ministry insisted its only intention was to alleviate the worsening congestion in Victoria.

This case is “consistent with other expropriations around Victoria,” the ministry said, pointing to Triq Ġorġ Pisani, Triq Patri Giacinto Camezuli, and the link between Triq l-Imgħallem and Triq ta’ Wara s-Sur, all of which “expropriated by the government to improve the road network”.

The government's plan for the traffic network in the area.The government's plan for the traffic network in the area.

"The land expropriated is to establish the schemed road linking Triq Ġużeppi Spiteri and Triq Għajn Qatet, of which the final stretch will be opened once the GGH project progresses. At present, individuals travelling to the Għajn Qatet area must go through the town centre or nearby villages, contributing to traffic congestion.”

None of the landowners exercised their right to object to the expropriation, the ministry added.

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