The period between the two major feasts of St Paul, namely January 25, his conversion on the road to Damascus, and February 10, his shipwreck in Malta, are not just important calendar events; they straddle a particular space for those journeying in faith.
Damascus, the moment of truth for Paul, was a life-changing experience. The encounter with Jesus on the road to the Syrian capital does not dampen Paul’s enthusiasm, his willingness to take on anyone and the world. Rather, it redirects his energy to a new vision. A new relationship with God and Jesus gives new meaning to Paul’s life. This conversion essentially roots him in a deep experience of God’s providence and faithfulness.
In a recent message to the Missionary Society of St Paul, religious and lay missionaries, Superior General Fr Martin Galea quotes Carlo Maria Martini’s description of the Damascus conversion experience in his 1983 book The Testimony of Paul: “The whole life of the Apostle was marked by that event. … Before everything was different; afterwards everything will be different.”
Galea goes on to write that: “we are all invited to go back to our Damascus experience, both personal and collective, and reconnect with it. On a personal level, our lives have been shaped by decisions that have been taken because there was some kind of a Damascus experience… I am sure most of us have had such experiences which have set them to choose a way of life which otherwise they would not have had the courage or the strength to embrace – whether it is the married life, a particular career change, or a commitment to a cause. I consider it very important that we regularly return to that Damascus moment, to that foundational experience that shaped a decision, particularly when we face crisis or doubts in living that decision. When everything gets dark, it is important that we reconnect with the light.”
How does this experience become a shaping theme for Paul in later life? Fast forward to the fateful voyage that brings him to our shores: a boat tossed by the mighty winds, 276 hungry and despairing souls in danger of perishing in the sea – a reality still happening to this day. Paul by now is a wiser, older man: “For the last 14 days,” he said, “you have been in constant suspense and have gone without food – you haven’t eaten anything. Now I urge you to take some food. You need it to survive. Not one of you will lose a single hair from his head.” (Acts 27, 33-34)
What makes a man like Paul trust so much in the face of impossible odds? His rootedness in God’s promise, his sense of worth as an adopted child of God – something he writes about incessantly in his letters – gives him this ultimate knowledge even in moments of deep distress. It is the one gift we all seek in our journey: reassurance.
Damascus to Melita thus becomes not only a journey across the Mediterranean but also an invitation to trust a God who is always faithful.