Are we sitting on a demographic time bomb? Although the writing has been on the wall for a number of years, many have opted to ignore it.
According to the latest data, Malta is gradually but steadily becoming an ageing population. Currently, one in five are 65 years and older and, by 2050, this will increase to one in three. As the 2023 data shows, we have 104,406 citizens aged 65+.
Furthermore, Malta’s fertility rate stands at a staggering 1.08, the lowest registered growth rate within the EU. At present, the birth rate in the EU is 1.53. To replace our population, we need to have at least a 2.1 birth rate.
This bleak situation raises questions about the long-term sustainability of our nation, risking adverse social, cultural and economic upheavals.
Why are our young Maltese couples increasingly reluctant to have children even when we are traditionally a family/childrearing loving society?
There is more than one variable in place.
Although many couples start out wanting to have children, reality on the ground dictates otherwise.
The rising costs of living, soaring property prices and hefty loans to repay, stressful lifestyles, long extended working hours, better life expectations and standard of living, limited job opportunities, work-life balance issues and prioritising one’s careers over parenthood are some of the reasons rolled out.
In my books, a low birth rate is rather a symptom of a deeper problem, suggesting it is more complex than financial constraints alone. This low birth rate is the tip of an iceberg, reflecting a wider sense of disenchantment with our way of living and of our economic model.
Thus, our response has to be multifaceted rather than piecemeal.
Although having children is a very personal decision and some may opt instead to have dogs or cats (we must respect that decision too), as politicians we must facilitate a holistic social plan for the family.
We need to promote the right environment and enable suitable policies and strategies for those who decide they want children, even more than one!
It is the moral responsibility of the state to ensure the continuity of our Maltese ancestry and patrimony.
However, to succeed we need to take the bull by the horns, be bold, adopt a bipartisan approach and have all hands on deck. Only together can we succeed.
Thus, I wholeheartedly recommend the setting up of a multifaceted task force to draw long-term solutions, in full knowledge that what we plant today the next generation will harvest.
The recommendations set by the NCPE’s study, ‘The perceptions and attitude of women and men in Malta towards work-life balance, with a specific focus on family’, is a good starting point.
It is the moral responsibility of the state to ensure the continuity of our Maltese ancestry and patrimony- Albert Buttigieg
The Nationalist Party, being proactive on the issue, is ready to bring to the table of discussions a number of proposals.
Although not set in stone, these are mainly:
• A comprehensive reform of maternity, paternity and parental leave by proposing extended paternity leave from 10 to 15 days and increased parental leave from eight to 28 weeks, equally divided between both parents to encourage shared parenthood.
• We are proposing an increase in maternity leave from 18 to 24 weeks, with the option for the last six weeks to be transferred to the other parent. This means that a total of one year of leave between maternity and parental leave will be granted, including to the self-employed.
The government will pay up to the national average wage. Spending time with one’s newborn is an investment for a healthy bond between parent and child.
• Additionally, we are proposing flexible work arrangements. Many are those who still want to stay home with their children during the second year after childbirth, yet face financial constraints that force them back into full-time work.
Thus, we are proposing financial support for stay-at-home parents.
• Finally, we would grant tax credit incentives for employers who offer remote or hybrid working arrangements.
These proposals are not to be considered as stand-alone proposals or exhaustive but within a wider context of further family-friendly and work-life balance measures, which we must enact if we want to succeed.
Family, in its diversity, is the bedrock of our society. Through our family experiences, we learn basic values and attitudes that guide us throughout our life journey. Ample evidence suggests there is a strong correlation between a healthy family experience and a strong society.
Thus, it is in our own interest and that of future generations to safeguard, promote and enable policies that strengthen our families.
Investing in our families is an investment in our future.
There is no time to waste!

Albert Buttigieg is the PN spokesperson for family affairs and social solidarity.