Every vote that doesn't go to the PN will go to the Labour Party's "mafia" politics, Opposition leader Bernard Grech said on Thursday in a final push to get voters to choose the PN at the polls on Saturday. 

In an exuberant final electoral rally, PN supporters gathered in the Siġġiewi square to support their candidates, chanting in unison and waving their flags as they sang along to election favourites such as We Take a Chance

Grech said that “like clockwork”, Labour governments have always led the country to the crossroads. 

While the cost of living shoots up, the government sends you a cheque and tells you to vote for it and while you are stuck in traffic, it tells you you are living in the best country in Europe. 

The government insists everything is running smoothly while it seeks a mandate to continue ignoring people’s needs. 

On the other hand, the PN has reliably been there for the people, citing as  examples its work to get the hospitals deal thrown out, when it stood up against corruption in social benefits and driving licenses and when it worked to prevent a marina from being built in Marsascala. 

Should it be trusted to govern, Grech promised that the PN would make the environment a constitutional right, it will continue to safeguard the right to life and continue working tirelessly for Malta on a European level. 

“On Saturday you have to decide what kind of politicians you would like to represent you on a European and a local level,” Grech said. 

“You need to decide whether you want politicians that work for you and not themselves, who live by European values and not vilify them, who serve you and not end up sitting on the accused’s bench, politicians who put your mind at ease and not burden you with worry.” 

He said that the PN sought EU membership because the union represents freedom of thought, serenity, democracy and justice and the PN still believes that Malta’s place is in Europe and holds European values to heart. 

Appealing to those who are still undecided on how to cast their votes on Saturday, Grech said he respects every decision at the polls because the PN is not out to buy people’s votes but works to deserve it truly. 

He dissuaded voters from choosing third-party candidates. 

“There is only one road for us and it is for the PN to win its third seat,” Grech said. 

“If votes are lost on small parties or independent candidates if you don’t vote, this won’t happen.” 

“In other words, every vote that doesn’t go to a PN candidate will only help him and the political mafia that has embraced us.” 

Every vote not cast for the PN, he continued, is a renewed licence for the government to continue “betraying the people” and strengthens those who “stole and bribed”. 

This would also facilitate further attacks on journalists, parliament and the judiciary and will not allow for necessary change in governance to take place. 

“If in the past you voted for a different party, don’t be confused. This is not a normal electoral race between two parties but between the PN and the political mafia,” Grech said. 

“If you always voted Labour and today for the first time you’re regretting it but you feel like you cannot vote for the PN, don’t worry, because by voting for us we will give you strength.” 

“If you vote for PN candidates you will be sending a strong message to the party that you usually vote for.” 

He promised that the PN is not going to deceive people, while the PL had created a clique of elites that lived only to hoard power and money for itself. 

The PN does not play games with your future, he said, and while many feel comfortable with voting for third parties, the country is living through abnormal times and it is not the time to experiment. 

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