Comino kiosks set to be charged higher fees from 2026 

Some operators pay a mere €3,000 to run a business on the island

Can former minister Clayton Bartolo tell us what advice he was getting from his army of highly paid unnamed consultants on the management of Comino? – Joe Z Borg

As if paying more money will in some way make Comino look better than some run-down favela in some forsaken country. Why not upload the names of the kiosk owners and umbrella renters, including who their relatives or business partners are. – K. Pace

Also relevant would be to make available their VAT and tax records. Yes, make it so high that ‘nobody’ will apply. Also, restrict the number of visitors able to visit per day and closely enforce it. – X. Borg

Charging the kiosks higher rents is definitely not the solution. There has to be a reduction in the number of kiosks, and more importantly, a drastic reduction in the number of visitors who should be paying a fee to spend a day there. – Edgar Gatt

How about no kiosks at all anymore on Comino? – Matthias Vella

Comino kiosks. Photo: Matthew MirabelliComino kiosks. Photo: Matthew Mirabelli

Raise the fee, in turn they just raise their prices for food and drinks. Progress? – Stephen Schembri

“Some food kiosks make €10,000 worth of profits in just a few days or weeks during the peak season.” Wrong. They can easily make this profit in one day. Sounds extreme but it’s true.

They make a 400% mark up, almost everyone who visits buys a drink or snack. Thousands visit every day. Now, do the math. – James Calleja

How many times do we have to hear the government promise transparency before we actually see it? If this process isn’t handled properly, it’ll just be another excuse for political friends to snatch up permits. – Daniel Grech

There should be no kiosks on Comino at all. The island was better when I first went there over 20 years ago.

It has really gone downhill since Clint Camilleri was foolishly put in the position of Gozo Minister and started doing favours for people wanting to set up kiosks, like providing electricity and water for them. This once beautiful island has been turned into a circus and I wouldn’t go near it again if you paid me! – Alex Tyrrell

Lands gave go-ahead for road through agricultural land, could open up area for three-storey buildings

“No one informed us of the plans, as if we don’t exist.” Well of course you don’t exist. For Labour, making money is l-ewwel u qabel kollox. No wonder Robert Abela is doing his best to avoid showing us, the people, what assets the ministers have. How many more now own a villa in Sicily or an apartment in London? – Adrian Borg Cardona

Our government mixed the greens when it promised greener Malta… Ħdura! – Christopher Moffitt

Has government led by example at any time except when it comes to corruption, bad governance and environmental destruction? Of course, none of us exist for government, except when it comes for our votes. – Silvio Camilleri

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