84% of Maltese fear climate change will force them to move

Unfortunately, the situation seems to be getting worse year after year. With traffic chaos and extreme weather, at this rate it is becoming intolerable. – Francis Grech

The heat in summer is truly getting unbearable but I have doubts if this is the natural evolution of every planet or pollution. One volcano eruption pollutes the world more than 10 years of industry. I think that Mediterranean peoples will have to move north in the future. – Ray Camilleri

The word “climate” may be used in so many contexts. The current political “climate”, environmental climate and general life in Malta and Gozo are so depressing that many are already leaving the islands.

Yes, there is climate change. From a rich, highly reputable, economically strong, independent country we have become a politically alienated nation living under a pseudo-socialist government entangled in corruption and an economic strategy that is literally suffocating the life out of Malta and Gozo. – Steve Pace

A survey has shown what people think of climate change.A survey has shown what people think of climate change.

The world is going through climate change; few can dispute that. What is causing the climate change, whether it is man-made or natural, is another issue. One scientist pointed to other planets going through climate change without any population. Never let a crisis go to waste, they say, so there are those taking advantage. What bothers me is that, instead of building strong buildings to withstand the inevitable challenge, Malta is doing the opposite, allowing cowboy contractors to build cheap, weak, risky structures for greed. – Martin De Bono

I am more concerned about the rapid deterioration in well-being constantly eroding the serenity of my life. It has been in continuous decline due to construction, traffic, cannabis use, noise, air quality, overpopulation, greed, fireworks, cost of living… the list is endless. – Matthew Joslin

Would be interesting to see how they picked the participants and how the questions were worded. These numbers look unrealistic. – Nico Metten

Are we expected to take this ‘survey’ seriously? A sample size that is less than 0.001 of the population?

How were the questions phrased? Did they distinguish between the various scenarios that differ from one country to the next? Forest fires (like in Spain, Greece, etc.)? Severe floods (as seen in Sicily, Germany, etc.)? Coastal flooding (as has been happening to islands in the South Pacific like Tuvalu, etc.)?

What a waste of newspaper space! – Wally Vella Zarb

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