What service?

Further to the letter ‘Service at HSBC’  (November 24), please note that banks use our money to make a profit for themselves. This is their main aim. The ‘service’ they provide to their clients is secondary in their final intention.

A case in point is trying to contact customer service on the phone. What a joke.

It is said that money makes the world go round. But that applies only to the banks.

Joseph Cachia – St Paul’s Bay

England vs Iran

In his letter (November 25), Alan Zelt pointed to the differences between ‘England wimps’ afraid of FIFA and the Iranians’ disdain towards their government by not singing the national anthem, with the retaliation they may expect by their corrupt rulers on their return home.

I suggest that was a very clever move by the Iranians. I doubt, indeed, do not for a minute believe, any of those players intend ever going home.  Once their World Cup is over they will sprint across Europe to Calais and get themselves smuggled across the channel into England, escorted by the French.

They will then claim asylum on the same grounds Zelt mentions and we will house them, feed them and give them and their families a future in a civilised country, which is somehow more desirable than letting four-year-old girls and babies die of thirst in the heat of the Mediterranean, their cries for help ignored by the Maltese and Italian patrols. Indeed, I’m beginning to wonder whether Zelt’s comments are sour grapes because Italy failed to even make it past the qualifying stages of the World Cup.

Malta has never been good enough to come close to qualifying for anything except corruption, so support is always evenly split between England and Italy. I can only assume that Zelt is shedding tears for the Blues.

So sad.

So who are the wimps, Alan?

Paul Brincau – Uxbridge, UK

Letters to the editor should be sent to editor@timesofmalta.com. Please include your full name, address and ID card number. The editor may disclose personal information to any person or entity seeking legal action on the basis of a published letter. 

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