Lilu King’s ex partner and his alleged victim did not to testify in proceedings on Wednesday where the social media 'influencer' is being accused of deliberately crashing a Mercedes Benz into a vehicle while driving without a licence in Paceville. 

The woman was summoned as a prosecution witness in the case against Mohamed Ali Ahmed Elmushraty who is pleading not guilty to reckless driving, driving without a licence and insurance cover as well as breaching several sets of bail conditions. 

The alleged victim was also expected to testify but did not do so. 

Elmushraty was arraigned under arrest on August 10, two days after what at first appeared to be a traffic accident turned out to have allegedly been a deliberate crash by the driver of the black Mercedes Benz. 

His arrest was declared invalid because the duty magistrate had not been informed of the arrest.

The investigating officer relied on a provision of law which was successfully challenged by the defence

Elmushraty walked out of court after the arraignment but meanwhile the criminal action against him continued. 

The court heard how police were first alerted to a car blocking the road opposite Bay Street in Paceville and an injured man lying on the ground. 

Word got round that “il-Lilu” was somehow involved. 

Knowing that Elmushraty was under various bail conditions, the inspector covering the St Julian’s and Sliema districts that night, kickstarted investigations. 

Footage from the scene after the crash appeared to indicate that it had been deliberate. 

Elmushraty was seen stepping out of the Mercedes and speaking to the buggy vehicle driver and a woman, later identified as Elmushraty’s ex-girlfriend. 

A verbal exchange followed but as the voices grew louder, the altercation continued off camera. 

The woman later told police she “saw no one”.

The injured driver was taken to hospital for treatment but “chose to leave” the moment he got to the Mater Dei Hospital foyer. 

When the case continued on Wednesday, a doctor at a private hospital who issued a medical certificate for the purpose of filing a police report, testified that the patient had facial bruising and swelling. 

He also suffered nasal fractures and was advised to see an ENT specialist. 

Asked whether he had explained the cause of his injuries, the doctor said that the patient “did not wish to speak about what had happened”.

On Wednesday, the alleged victim was expected to testify but did not do so.  The court issued a ban on publication of the victim’s name as well as the reasons given by the prosecution for his absence. 

The woman, who was allegedly present at the time of the incident, was also summoned to testify. 

Prosecuting Inspector Eman Hayman informed the court that since then, the woman was also being investigated by the police. 

In light of that information, presiding Magistrate Ann Marie Thake cautioned the witness about her right not to testify so as to avoid self-incrimination. 

The woman said that she would opt not to testify. 

She stepped off the witness stand and walked out of the courtroom, right past the accused, not making any eye contact with the man seated in the dock. 

As the sitting drew to an end, the court decreed that there was sufficient prima facie evidence for the accused to stand trial on indictment. 

Inspector Eman Hayman is prosecuting. Lawyers Franco Debono, Adreana Zammit and Martina Herrera are defence counsel. 

Lawyer Charles Mercieca appeared parte civile. 

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