Drug trafficking suspect Lilu King was filmed arguing with police at a boxing match on Friday night.

Lilu King, whose full name is Mohamed Ali Ahmed Elmushraty, is currently out on bail as he pleads not guilty to involvement in an organised group linked to drug trafficking and money laundering.

Elmushraty bail conditions include a curfew between 9pm and 7am.

A court however gave him a one-off extension to this curfew, allowing him to stay out until 2.30am between Friday night and Saturday morning. Sources told Times of Malta that the Attorney General objected to the extension. 

Elmushraty can be seen arguing with at least three police officers in one clip doing the rounds on social media.

In another video, punters at the event appeared to be more enthralled by Elmushraty’s “fight” with police than the actual boxing match.

Lilu King seen arguing with police.

A spokesperson for the police said officers were called into to help eject a “rowdy” individual at the match. The spokesperson was unable to confirm whether Elmushraty was the person in question.

Prime Minister Robert Abela was also filmed at the same boxing event, however he and Elmushraty do not appear to have crossed paths.

He was filmed arguing with at least three police officers.

The same cannot be said for minister Owen Bonnici, who earlier that same day posed for a short video with Elmushraty.

Bonnici took to Facebook on Saturday claiming he did not know at the time that it was Lilu King.

“After we took the photo, he told me, in Maltese but with a foreign accent, that he is known as Lilu King and that he is facing various proceedings in court. I am clarifying the facts that led to this photo,” Bonnici said.

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