A man threatened police officers and resisted arrest after crashing his car while driving under the influence.

Victor Felice, 56, admitted to threatening police officers, driving under the influence, and refusing to take a breathalyser test.

Inspector Sarah Kathleen Zerafa told the court that on March 12, the police received a report about a car crash in Marsa.

Transport Malta and LESA officials were already on the scene to manage the accident.

When the police arrived, they suspected that Felice was under the influence of alcohol and ordered a breathalyser test.

Zerafa said that Felice became aggressive and began threatening the officers.

“Once I’m in my senses, I’ll get back at you (La niġi ftiegħi, inpattihielkom),” Zerafa recalled Felice saying.

The police arrested him and took him to Mater Dei, as he was under the influence and had sustained minor injuries while resisting arrest.

During the arraignment, Felice stood up and apologised for his actions.

Magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace sentenced him to six months in prison, suspended for one year, imposed a €200 fine, and suspended his driving license for six months. 

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