A man was arrested after allegedly threatening his girlfriend by putting a knife to her neck after she told him to stop using the phone and not waste credit.

Maurice Galea, 56, pleaded not guilty to the charges.

During the arraignment, Inspector Christian Cauchi said that the couple had an argument at their home in Naxxar.

Once police arrived on the scene the girlfriend said that Galea had threatened her by putting a knife to her neck.

The argument was instigated after Galea’s girlfriend had asked him not to take long talking on the phone as she did not have enough credit.

The court heard how Galea lost his cool and grabbed the victim by her throat and shoulders, pushed her up against a wall and threatened her with a knife. He told her that if she did not get out of their home then he was going to kill her.

Galea was not granted bail after the prosecution contested this request.

The prosecution raised concerns over the fact that Galea could not present an alternative address instead offering to go to a shelter. However, the prosecution was not convinced that he would not leave the shelter.

The defence argued that the accused has another address and also a job that he will lose if he is not granted bail.

Magistrate Giannella Camilleri Busuttil presided over the case.

Inspector Christian Cauchi prosecuted. Alexia Vassallo was legal aid for the accused.

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