A man was charged with assaulting two police officers and causing around €6,000 worth of damages at a farmhouse in Żurrieq.

Canadian tourist David Roger Grima, 33, pleaded not guilty to the charges

A court heard how, on 14 February, the police received a report about a man who was being aggressive at a farmhouse in Żurrieq that he was residing at.

Grima, who was vomiting at the residence, became aggressive after he was told off by one of the hosts.

When police arrived on the scene, he began breaking things at the residence and throwing items at the police officers and threatening them.

The police were forced to use a taser to subdue and detain Grima.

He was taken to Mater Dei, where he was treated, and soon after, he was referred to Mount Carmel, where he resided for a month.

Once he was discharged from Mount Carmel, the police officially arrested Grima.

No bail request was made.

Magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace presided over the case.

Inspector Wayne Bonello prosecuted.

Yanika Bugeja acted as legal aid for the accused.

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