A learning hub equipped with modern classrooms for education and training of both prison employees and inmates has been opened at the Corradino Correctional Facility.

This is part of ongoing refurbishment and upgrading work which is not only improving the environment for workers and inmates but also “bringing to life projects that are strengthening the rehabilitation aspect,” the Home Affairs ministry said on Friday.

“This can be done because the prison is today drug-free, with more order, which benefits people at the facility so that more attention can be paid to rehabilitation,” the ministry added.

The modern classroom in the new learning hub at prison. Photo: DOIThe modern classroom in the new learning hub at prison. Photo: DOI

The project is “already delivering the desired results” and the administration of the Correctional Services Agency will continue to invest in translating this investment into better people who are ready to reintegrate into society.

Speaking at the inauguration, Home Affairs minister Byron Camilleri described the learning hub as one that plays a key role in rehabilitation, with the aim being to learn and train.

Times of Malta was recently granted rare and unprecedented access to the facility for a Times Talk video tour and interview with the prisons director Christopher Siegersma.

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