The PN will forge ahead with its Independence Day celebrations as planned because it is what Karl Gouder would have wanted, Opposition Leader Bernard Grech said on Sunday. 

Grech dedicated the entirety of his TV appearance, typically reserved to discuss political issues, to Gouder's memory, extolling his virtues and crediting him as an integral reason why the PN made gains at the polls during last June's MEP and local council elections. 

Gouder, 45, was found dead on Tuesday just two days after he announced his intention to run for PN general secretary. 

In an emotional send-off, his funeral on Saturday saw Malta's political class joined in a rare united front in his memory, with all describing him as a gentle and humble soul who worked tirelessly for his principles. 

Grech said on Sunday that despite Gouder's loss, the party has a responsibility and a duty to pick up where he left off. 

This is why the party had decided to continue as planned with activities related to the 60th anniversary of Independence Day, not only because Gouder would have undoubtedly wanted them to do so, but also because his family have also expressed the desire that these activities go ahead, Grech said. 

"Yes it is difficult, but we are going to honour our obligation to the people," Grech said. 

"When we chose the theme 'il-Quddiem' (moving forward) we did not envision that we would have to go through what happened," he continued. 

"We chose the theme to look to the future and communicate how we can see our country regaining its good reputation and how we plan to move us in a good position again." 

"But with this loss, the theme of moving forward has taken on a deeper meaning," he said. 

Grech said that Gouder was passionate about celebrating Independence Day and working to strengthen the party, adding that his family expressed the desire that all that he worked for go ahead as planned. 

He praised Gouder for qualities that went beyond his work: his ability to listen, be compassionate, help others and solve problems.

He remembered Gouder as a person who always put others first and strived to be of service.

"Karl’s loss is not just a loss for his family or for the PN, but it is a loss for the entire country," he said.

"Just as he did in his life and at work, even in his passing, Karl managed to unite the whole country, as was evident during the celebration of his life."

He thanked all those who'd sent their condolences for Gouder's passing, including President Myriam Spiteri Debono, Prime Minister Robert Abela and European Parliament President Roberta Metsola. 

He said that the party would work hard to keep the unity that Gouder inspired and strive to work on common goals. 

Grech also said that the PN will continue to seek the truth behind Gouder's death, not out of a desire for revenge, but because all those who loved him deserve to know. 

Independence Day celebrations will be held between September 18 and 20 at Triton Square, with more details to be announced on Monday. 

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