As mayor of Mqabba from 2019 to 2022, I welcomed the invaluable support provided by the central government to enhance our cherished locality, along with others. This support reflects the government’s commitment to ensure that all localities, regardless of size or political affiliation, are developed in parallel with the nation’s overall progress.

Such an approach led these communities to embrace us as their own, fostering a strong sense of belonging, connection and unity.

As a young person, playing football with the local nursery and spending time with peers in my home town’s square, I came to believe that our localities are the heart and soul of our nation and must be strengthened to ensure the well-being of present and future generations.

However, true progress can only be achieved through consistent political will and responsible governance, values that this government has prioritised.

Fast-forward to today, as parliamentary secretary for public works and a public servant, one of my first major public and political commitments was a €10 million framework agreement signed with 54 Maltese local councils that covers various environmentally sustainable civil and infrastructural works.

This agreement underlines the government’s proactive role in empowering local councils and highlights the strategic vision of this administration to decentralise decision-making, bringing it closer to the people.

The public works department does more than rebuild walls, enhance pavement accessibility, or restore our treasured national architecture. Although these are crucial projects that must continue to be implemented, the department has repeatedly shown its capacity to go further – emerging as a key player in shaping our communities.

This framework agreement is aimed at contributing towards the revival and transformation of how we perceive our localities and communities. It will provide essential support to local councils through a collaborative agreement encompassing several projects between the central government and local councils.

Crucially, it also shows the importance of collaboration between the central authorities and local governance, ensuring that political alignment or disagreement does not come at the cost of progress. The agreement is designed to simplify the process for both local councils and the public works department to implement infrastructure projects within Maltese communities, including the development of open spaces, routine maintenance and emergency works – ultimately benefitting both residents and the wider public.

In an age where transparency and efficiency are key to public trust, this administration remains committed to removing bureaucratic obstacles that hinder local councils and government entities from reaching their full potential.

It is truly gratifying to witness the proactive approach taken by our local councils. Together with the public works department, they are committed to take bold steps toward shaping the future of our localities through projects that stem directly from residents’ suggestions.

Our localities are the heart and soul of our nation- Omar Farrugia

This bottom-up approach reflects the ethos of our administration, where we place people at the heart of policymaking, making sure that the voices of the community are heard, respected and implemented in our national agenda.

During the summer recess, I had the privilege of meeting with mayors and councillors to discuss their proposals and potential projects, all of which align with the ethos of the public works department: enhancing residents’ quality of life through open spaces and innovative initiatives.

Also, within Maltese localities there are around 1,800 voluntary organisations, managed by tens of thousands of dedicated volunteers. These organisations have always been pivotal in shaping our communities, essentially who we are.

From football nurseries and religious groups to local scouts and feast band clubs, they share a common goal: instilling a sense of community, invaluable values   and skills.

Here, too, we see how political leadership can support the social fabric of our nation by fostering a sense of community, pride and mutual support.

During my frequent visits to various voluntary organisations, I have seen first-hand the dedication of volunteers who give their time selflessly in support of good causes, expecting nothing in return. The public works department has been working closely with these organisations, helping to maintain their facilities to the highest standards and supporting essential maintenance and other valuable work.

Through the framework agreement signed with local councils and the ongoing support we provide to voluntary organisations, I am confident that we are contributing towards a brighter, more vibrant future for our communities and for Malta, the land we proudly call home.

This is the vision of this government: a future where progress is shared by all, where every corner of Malta benefits from the transformative power of good governance and where the central government, local councils and voluntary organisations work in unison for the common good.

Omar Farrugia is Parliamentary Secretary for Public Works.

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