Opposition leader Bernard Grech accused the prime minister of not wanting to present his “source of wealth”.

Speaking during a phone-in on NET FM, Grech referred to Robert Abela’s failure to publish the annual asset declarations by cabinet members.

Grech questioned whether the prime minister was covering something up for himself, his wife or his ministers.

Apart from the Opposition and civil society, Abela has faced calls by the Standards Commissioner to publish the asset declarations.

In a letter to the prime minister last month, Commissioner Joseph Azzopardi also encouraged the government to expand parliament’s asset declaration system in line with OECD recommendations.

Grech urged the prime minister to do the right thing by presenting the declarations to parliament.

The Opposition leader said Abela knows right from wrong but is too compromised to be able to make decisions in the national interest.

Grech said a PN government would be free from any such shackles.

He said contrary to the Labour government, the Nationalist Party is focused on moving the country forward rather than backwards.

Grech said the government's attempts to stifle magisterial inquiries was one such step backwards.

“It is already the third month of the year,  and all the government has done is propose a law that removes the right for a citizen to trigger an investigation…This is reducing citizens’ rights instead of increasing them,” Grech said of the proposals.

He also accused Abela’s government of being more interested in channelling direct orders to a chosen few, instead of investing in the country’s infrastructure.

Grech also took aim at Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri, who has been under pressure to resign over a 200kg drug heist from an army base.

The Opposition leader said Camilleri had already been criticised in an Ombudsman report about the prison system, yet Abela had failed to sack him.

He said during the period covered by the report, 14 people lost their lives in prison.

Despite this, the prime minister still said he trusts Camilleri to take good decisions.

The Opposition leader urged people to attend a protest against the government being held next Sunday in Valletta.

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