Updated 11.30am

A second loggerhead turtle nest successfully hatched on Tuesday night, with 35 hatchlings estimated to have emerged on the first night. 

The nest started to show signs of readiness to hatch a few days ago, when volunteers noticed the sand at the surface of the nest began to shift in a promising way. 

Photo: Jonathan BorgPhoto: Jonathan Borg

By Tuesday evening, a crater had begun to visibly emerge at the top of the nest, with the sands shifting as the night went on. 

Shortly after 11 pm, rescuers spotted several heads peaking from the top of the crater and just before midnight, the hatchlings started to emerge. 

Photo: Jonathan BorgPhoto: Jonathan Borg

Guided by volunteers using red lights, the hatchlings scrambled their way down to the sea, disappearing beneath the crashing waves under the moonlight. 

At the time, volunteers on site estimated that between 30 to 34 turtles had hatched from the nest, with more likely to emerge as time goes on. 

Photo: Jonathan BorgPhoto: Jonathan Borg

The first turtle nest hatched last week, which saw 44 hatchlings emerge successfully in Golden Bay. 

There are another six turtle nests, three in Malta and three in Gozo, waiting to hatch later in the summer amid a record eight turtle nests recorded this year. 

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