The eighth turtle nest of the season was found in Ramla l-Ħamra, Gozo, on Friday, just a week after it was announced that the country has seen a record number of nests this year.
In a statement on Friday, the Environment and Resources Authority said that the loggerhead turtle was found on the bay in the early hours of the morning.
Once the turtle safely laid its eggs, officials found from the turtle's microchip that it is the same turtle which laid nest six this year.
ERA officers were on site immediately to ensure that the nest was protected.

"The public is reminded that if a turtle is spotted during a nesting attempt, no interactions with the turtle are to be made, as noise and light may scare the turtle away and a potential nest may be lost as a result," the statement said.
"One should also immediately report the sighting."
To report turtle activity call ERA on 22923500 or Nature Trust Malta on 99999505. If you would like to register as a volunteer send an email to