The Chamber of SMEs has added its voice to the chorus of concern over the government's proposed magisterial inquiries changes, saying it feared the amendments undermined the independence of the judiciary.

A bill proposing changing how citizens can request a magisterial inquiry was tabled by the government last month.

In line with the proposed changes, citizens will have to first approach the police before filing a request with a judge six months later. The bill is currently in the second reading phase. After this discussion phase, the bill will go to a majority vote and will then be discussed in the committee stage.

The Opposition and NGOs such as Repubblika have all raised concerns about the amendments stifling citizens' rights.

Former chief justice Silvio Camilleri has separately blasted the bill, warning it will “only serve to shield politicians and their persons of trust from investigation”.

On Thursday, the Chamber of SMEs acknowledged the need for legal improvements, however, it was concerned that the reform, as currently proposed, would "undermine the independence of the judiciary".

It warned that any changes should reinforce trust in the system rather than diminish it.

The chamber recalled that according to its latest barometer, published in collaboration with MISCO, 42% of respondents identified “lack of good governance” and 40% pointed to the “level of corruption” as two of the most pressing issues the country was facing.

"These findings underscore the need for government action to address concerns and implement measures to strengthen the fight against corruption.

"Any amendments to the inquiries system must ensure they enhance good governance and actively combat corruption," it said in a statement.

The chamber also noted that the proposed changes were being fast-tracked. 

It added that given the significance of the matter, the authorities should also address and prioritise pressing issues and concerns raised by businesses, particularly a reduction in income tax for businesses, a stronger fight against corruption and an improvement of the public procurement processes.

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