A motion of no confidence in Home Affairs Minister Byron Camilleri, proposed by the Nationalist Party, was rejected by the Speaker of the House.

On Tuesday, PN leader Bernard Grech asked the Speaker Anglu Farrugia to hold a confidence debate on Camilleri, which would then lead to a vote.

However, Farrugia denied this request, arguing that such a substantial motion requires at least three days for consideration. As a result, he did not grant the request.

Parliament proceeded with discussions on a ministerial statement regarding the 226kg cannabis resin heist from the army's Safi barracks.

After Prime Minister Robert Abela responded to questions about the heist, Grech requested that the discussion continue the next day, arguing that Abela had not answered a single question.

Following a suspension of Parliament to review both of Grech’s requests, Farrugia ruled that he could not grant the second request either, stating that Abela had addressed all the questions put forward.

In a statement issued Tuesday evening the PN said that it was very concerned that Camilleri had not yet resigned after being involved in so many scandals.

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