The streets of St Julian’s transformed into a sea of green on Monday as revellers descended upon the town for the annual St Patrick’s Day festivities.

Vendors had begun lining the streets in the morning, with a few brave partygoers showing up early in the day to open the celebrations.

One reveller suits up for the occasion. Photo: Chris Sant FournierOne reveller suits up for the occasion. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

Leprechaun hats wherever you look. Photo: Chris Sant FournierLeprechaun hats wherever you look. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

But the atmosphere picked up by the afternoon, with Spinola Bay becoming more crowded by the hour.

Celebrations picked up by the afternoon. Video: Chris Sant Fournier

The streets of St Julian's became more crowded by the hour. Photo: Chris Sant FournierThe streets of St Julian's became more crowded by the hour. Photo: Chris Sant Fournier

But away from the shamrocks, leprechaun hats and Irish flags packing the streets, commuters took to social media to bemoan the ensuing traffic chaos.

“Dingli Street (Sliema) to Gżira ferries over an hour,” one person said, pointing to how ongoing roadworks in the area have exacerbated the gridlock.

And some disgruntled Sliema residents took to suggesting new venues for the celebrations, saying future editions should be moved to Ta' Qali or the Luxol football ground.

Meanwhile, the Sliema local council issued a statement to express its "serious concerns" over what it described as "uncoordinated diversions in preparation for the St. Patrick’s Day celebrations in St. Julian’s".

"At no stage was the Sliema Local Council consulted by either the St. Julian’s Local Council or the St. Julian’s Police Station regarding the decision to divert large volumes of traffic through Sliema," the statement said.

And health minister Jo Etienne Abela pitched in, taking to Facebook to warn against excessive drinking and drug use during celebrations.

“Spend your evening with your loved ones, not with us here in hospital,” he said.

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