Children at home because of the school lockdown have continued to express themselves through art, using their work to instill hope as Malta continues to face the coronavirus outbreak.
Times of Malta has received dozens of pieces of art by children of all ages and who are eager to use the extra time on their hands to express themselves through art.
Many of the children are calling on people to stay home while a good number of others want to focus on the positive, insisting everything will be all right soon.
We have received plenty of artworks since launching the initiative on Thursday so if an artwork is not featured today it will be used in the coming days.
These are some of the works received on Friday:
Thomas is telling us to fight the coronavirus with love.
Noal and Neil have put up their banner outide so their neighbours can enjoy their art too.
Maya (11) has some useful tips for everybody to keep in mind while under quarantine.
Sarthak reminds us of the importance of friendship.
Emma (8) paints a chick ready to hatch.
Benjamin and Kate painted a special picture for grandma...using their feet!
Eliza (6) must have been dreaming of days sitting in the sun when she created this piece.
Andre, 7, loves birds.
William,10, and Martina,4, tell us to stay safe!