Another group of 27 migrants were on Wednesday charged with being involved in a mass riot that caused substantial damage to an open centre in Ħal Far on Sunday night.

The group brings the total number of migrants arraigned over the riot to 107, following a series of arraignments related to the incident on Tuesday. 

They appeared in court after one of the worst riots in years saw cars and an office burnt out at the so-called 'Tent Village'.

Just like on Tuesday, the court, this time presided over by Magistrate Gabriella Vella, heard how a police officer and a female support worker at the centre were slightly injured in the riot that started after two teenagers and a man were banned from entering the centre because they were drunk.

Eight male residents, including a 16-year-old from Chad, were identified as the alleged ringleaders.

The migrants arraigned on Wednesday were charged with disobeying police orders and breaching the peace. Only one of them pleaded guilty and was sentenced to six weeks in jail. The rest were remanded in custody after pleading not guilty to charges. 

Police Inspector Roderick Attard prosecuted. Lawyer Martha Mifsud appeared for the migrants as legal aid. 

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