Doctors across the island are advising the government to lock Malta down with immediate effect, saying this is the only way to stop the virus from spreading further.

With nine cases confirmed so far in six days, a number of medical associations have issued press releases raising their concern about the current situation and calling for “drastic public health containment measures”.

These include the Maltese Association of Radiologists and Nuclear Medicine Physicians and the Association of Anaesthesists of Malta.


Speaking to Times of Malta, a consultant in internal medicine was in absolute agreement with these associations. This view is also supported by most consultants within this department.

“The real medical and ethical experiences coming from our Italian colleagues who are facing COVID-19 are just catastrophic. We need a total lockdown; the transmission of this virus is so aggressive that unless we do something drastic we fear the worst and no matter how good our health system is we just won’t cope.”

Unless we do something drastic we fear the worst and no matter how good our health system is we just won’t cope

Doctors have especially been putting pressure on the government to close schools and public places. They say this is the only way to manage the spread of this virus which they believe is still about to peak in Malta.

The most recent press release issued by the radiologists’ association says: “It is of utmost importance that the public understand the unprecedented, huge seriousness of COVID-19 disease.”

In case of local spread of disease, they said there will be a large impact on local health services.

“A sudden surge in cases may overwhelm the national health service with a consequent high risk of deaths. This can be counter-measured by strict public health measures."

They said such measures had improved containment in places like Hong Kong. The association also encourages people who returned from abroad over the past two weeks to strictly self-quarantine.

“We also encourage people to avoid all sorts of overcrowded environments; to avoid unnecessary personal contact like shaking hands; to be rigorous with hand hygiene; avoid unnecessary travel and to strictly adhere to the public health instructions issued by health authorities.”

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