Sixteen social welfare NGOs have backed Caritas and the Oasi Foundation in their stand against the cannabis law proposed by the government.

The Curia in a statement on Sunday said the NGOs agreed with Caritas and the Oasi Foundation who on Thursday declared that the Bill would do more harm than good to society.

The draft legislation sent the wrong message to children and youths about the use of cannabis and MPs were therefore urged to consider the common good of society.

In their joint statement, Caritas and Oasi on Thursday expressed concern at the cannabis reform bill, which, they said, went beyond what had been proposed in a white paper in March.

The bill proposes allowing cannabis users to grow plants at home or buy the substance from specially set up associations but smoking joints in public will remain illegal.

Caritas and Oasi said the bill, which proposes setting up associations to distribute the drug, was another step towards normalising cannabis use, increasing its use and the perception that it is not dangerous.

Sunday's statement was signed by Caritas Djakonija Unit, Dar Merħba Bik, Dar Osanna Pia, Dar tal-Providenza, Djar tal-Knisja għall-Anzjani, Fondazzjonni Sebħ, Kummissjoni Djoċesana Djakonija, Kummissjoni Ġustizzja u Paci, Kummissjoni Migranti, Mater Dei and Sir Anthony Mamo Oncology Centre Chaplains, Millennium Chapel, Paolo Freire Institute, Segretarjat Assistenza Soċjali, Society St Vincent de Paul, St Jean Antide Foundation, and Uffiċċju Ħidma Pastorali mal-Persuni Separati.

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