Updated 1pm

A reader narrowly avoided a head-on collision on Saturday when a car sped up the wrong way to overtake a van.

In footage captured by a dashcam that was sent to the police, Transport Malta and the local enforcement agency LESA, the car making the illegal manoeuvre is seen bypassing bollards to overtake the bigger vehicle.

The driver whose camera shot the alarming incident has just pulled out from a parking position and cautiously slows down when they spot the oncoming car.

The incident was shot on August 5 at around 2.40pm on Triq President Anton Buttigieg in Żejtun.

Exactly a year ago, Antoine Degabriele, 51, from Birżebbuġa was found dead on the pavement on the same road. Dean Donovan Frendo is pleading not guilty to involuntary murder.

The footage was sent to the authorities

On Sunday, the reader said that the "alarming" incident "nearly led to a potential head-on collision".

"Regrettably, due to the positioning of the number plate on the passenger side rather than centrally displayed, the licence plate details remain obscured and difficult to discern," they said.

They urged the authorities to take action against the driver, "as their reckless behaviour poses a significant hazard on the road".

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