Updated 5.20pm, adds Bjorn's comments

ALS Malta founder Bjorn Formosa shared a "wonderful experience" on Sunday after he met and was blessed by Pope Francis at St Paul's basilica in Rabat. 

On Sunday, Pope Francis started his second day in Malta with a visit to the grotto beneath the basilica, where St Paul is believed to have been kept prisoner for three months and preached Christianity.

After praying in the grotto, he went to the basilica to greet pilgrims.

Among them were ALS Malta founder Bjorn Formosa and his wife Maria. 

“We asked him to bless our two homes in Qormi and Żebbuġ, the residents and all those who work in them. A wonderful experience with the Pope this morning and with a few ALS Malta patients,” Formosa wrote on Facebook. 

He later told Times of Malta it was a "unique experience".

"I had this strange feeling. At first I could not speak... Then I told the Pope that I pray to God to give me the strength to continue my mission everyday, a mission which, at certain times is difficult because of the obstacles I have to face.

“He thanked me for the work we do and gave me the courage to keep going.

"I was delighted and amazed by his reply because he was aware of the work we are doing.  This has certainly been one of the most beautiful moments in my existence.”

A video shows Pope Francis walking toward Formosa, his wife, and other members from ALS Malta. It captures the emotional moment when the Pope blesses Formosa. 

The emotional moment shared between Pope Francis and Formosa. Video: Instagram/Bjorn Formosa

Tearful Formosa also exchanged a few words with the pope.

Formosa was diagnosed with motor neurone condition ALS at the age of 28 and set up Dar Bjorn in Qormi in 2017. He is currently working towards setting up another home in Żebbuġ

ALS Malta helps patients with ALS free of charge thanks to donations.

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