AN outstanding event in our school calendar was Comenius Week held from April 26 to 30.
We are taking part in a Comenius project about the use of new technologies, multimedia and Internet, for teaching and learning different subjects across the curriculum, in Europe.
Part of the work done was the setting up of a Website where all participants can upload projects and other work done through the use of IT, such as information about the country of the participant, information about the school itself and school activities and events. In addition chatting on the net takes place regularly.
Our partners in this project are schools in Italy, Spain, Germany, Poland and Romania, the Italians being the co-ordinators. The project has been going on for two years, with meetings three times yearly. We have now come to the end of the first round of hosting meetings, the last meeting being especially important to us as, we were the hosting country. The guests were students and teachers, including headteachers, from our partner countries.
On their first day at school the foreign guests were welcomed by the headteacher Sr Margaret Vassallo, other school administrators and the team of educators who worked very hard to make this meeting a success. A presentation about the Augustinian nuns and their work in the educational sector as well as their missionary work all over the world was followed by another about our Gzira school. Both presentations will be available on the Website.
A highlight of this first day was a visit by the Commissioner for Children, Mrs Sonia Camilleri. To the guests and our secondary schoolgirls, she explained what her role was about and the great work being done for children's rights in Malta, referring to what is being done in the countries that are our partners in this project. Our students were particularly attentive when Mrs Camilleri said that children should be consulted in decisions which concern them in any way! Incidentally, at our school we already have active student councils, for secondary and for primary.
Mrs Camilleri and our foreign guests were then taken round the school premises, talking to teachers and children while seeing the amenities and learning about the curricular activities and services offered to our students. It was very heartening for us to be told by our guest that they were very impressed indeed!
Then followed a brief review of Malta's history, our students relating the captivating narrative accompanied by a visual presentation. A group of fourth formers then danced to Il-Maltija. This visual presentation will be on the Website too, as well as other work done by Physics, Biology and European Studies students.
The project work done included an evaluation of the work carried out so far to assess progress made and identify problem areas. These were solved satisfactorily and then new items were discussed so that the participants will all go on working in their respective countries until the next meeting, when progress will be discussed again.
Our hosting programme included excursions to historical sites and places. The guests spent a lovely day in Gozo; Ggantija Temples were a highlight, being so unique and of such great historical value. Some of them even had a dip at Xlendi!
On another day they visited Valletta, including of course St John's Co-Cathedral, and Mdina. The excursions were particularly informative and successful due to Mrs Anna Azzopardi, a professional tourist guide who greatly impressed our foreign guests. Information packs were provided by the MTA to tempt our visitors to revisit our islands with family and friends!
A very important and indispensable contribution to the success of this hosting event was that of the host families, families of students in our school, who made the foreign students extremely welcome. They even organised more outings and activities between them in the evening for the whole group.
One can imagine after these four hectic days how tired but happy all these youngsters were! They all exchanged e-mail addresses, even with other students in our school, such as those taking European Studies as they followed a couple of activities together. Our school was in fact one of the first to offer European Studies; the first group of fifth formers graduated last year. Three of them were in Strasbourg for a four-day programme after being successful in a European Studies quiz.
The event came to a suitable and tasty end with lunch at Dingli for the foreign teachers and students, the Maltese host students, the school administration and the Comenius team members who organised the hosting. The food was delicious local fare, including snails Maltese style!
The guests said that we have set a very high standard for the next round of meetings, proof once more of the warm hospitality we Maltese are renowned for. We and our Polish friends clicked glasses twice as we are both new members! Unfortunately our Romanian partners were not present as they do not have available EU funds since they are not due for accession yet.
The next meeting will be held in Germany in October.
Mrs de Gray is assistant head at St Monica School, Gzira.