No praise for St Julians council

Noel Muscat (October 18) praised the Swieqi local council - I wish I could do the same for the St Julians council. As a recent resident there I am dismayed at the amount of things that need taking care of but to which the council seems oblivious. The...

October 28, 2005| Annabel Borg, St Julians.2 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

Noel Muscat (October 18) praised the Swieqi local council - I wish I could do the same for the St Julians council. As a recent resident there I am dismayed at the amount of things that need taking care of but to which the council seems oblivious.

The zebra crossing in St George's Road (in front of Pizza Hut) is already faded (this was newly painted in June) and there is no indication to motorists that they are approaching a zebra crossing - maybe beacons would do the trick. One almost gets run over trying to cross the road. Do the authorities know that people may need to use wheelchairs, prams etc.? Ramps leading to the zebra crossing are non-existent.

The pavement leading down from Mensija Street to St George's Road is cut off by steps leading to the entrance of some flats so one has to walk in the middle of the road. Also worth mentioning are the wrought iron windows that stick out half a mile! How do the authorities allow such things in the first place?

Parking on both sides of the road is being allowed in the narrowest part of Mensija Street and when large vehicles cannot pass the drivers spend 10 minutes hooting their horn, to the detriment of residents, until the owner of the nuisance vehicle decides to move it. I have written to the council and also called them on several occasions but nothing has been done in this regard. There aren't even the white boxes on the road that usually signify that parking is allowed, so technically cars should not be parking there at all.

The promenade has become the filthiest place to go for a walk. Dog litter and melted ice-cream everywhere... it's a disgrace. Where are the wardens when one needs them? Have the authorities considered a much needed power-wash possibly at regular intervals?

And last but not least there are the Paceville swings (near Wembley) - the biggest embarrassment. Apart from the fact that they are a danger for the age group that they are meant to be for, they have become the "playground" for teens who want a cheap place to hang out and consume cheap alcohol. I thought consuming alcohol in the street was illegal and merited a fine. This apart from the filth that is left behind. It is an eyesore for an area that boasts five-star accommodation and other entertainment establishments. Surely, one can do something about the appalling state of the park.

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