Portugal-Malta relations at all-time high

Relations between Malta and Portugal have reached unprecedented levels thanks to the efforts of Ambassador António Russo Dias, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said. Dr Gonzi was speaking during a reception marking Portugal's National Day. He emphasised...

June 13, 2008| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

Relations between Malta and Portugal have reached unprecedented levels thanks to the efforts of Ambassador António Russo Dias, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said.

Dr Gonzi was speaking during a reception marking Portugal's National Day. He emphasised the ease with which Portugal and Malta understood and supported each other at a political level and referred to the significant flow of Portuguese investment in Malta, as represented by the presence of one of Portugal's major banks, Banif Bank.

The Ambassador referred to the impending end of his mission in Malta and highlighted the progress achieved in relations between the two countries in the political, economic and cultural spheres, particularly since Portugal and Malta upgraded the level of their diplomatic representations to that of resident ambassadors.

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