President on state visit to Portugal on Tuesday

President Eddie Fenech Adami on Tuesday starts a two-day state visit to Portugal at the invitation of the President Aníbal António Cavaco Silva. The Office of the President said Dr Fenech Adami will have talks with the Portuguese President, Prime...

November 8, 2008| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

President Eddie Fenech Adami on Tuesday starts a two-day state visit to Portugal at the invitation of the President Aníbal António Cavaco Silva.

The Office of the President said Dr Fenech Adami will have talks with the Portuguese President, Prime Minister José Sócrates and the president of the Portuguese Parliament Jaime José de Matos da Gama. The President has also been invited to visit Fatima.

A business delegation organised by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Malta Enterprise in conjunction with Banif Bank Malta will accompany the President. It includes the chairman of Malta Enterprise, Alan Camilleri, the chief executive of the Malta Stock Exchange, Mark Guillaumier, Banif Bank Malta chairman Joseph Sammut and senior officials from private entities.

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