Less fish caught in last quarter of 2008

Considerably less dorado and swordfish were caught between last October and December bringing the amount of fish landings for the quarter down by 219,005 kilogrammes. The National Statistics Office said in a statement that Dorado catches dropped by...

January 29, 2009| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

Considerably less dorado and swordfish were caught between last October and December bringing the amount of fish landings for the quarter down by 219,005 kilogrammes.

The National Statistics Office said in a statement that Dorado catches dropped by 17.4 per cent when compared to the same period in 2007 and swordfish catches by 16.9 per cent.

It said that the landings of other major species increased from 10.8 per cent for bogue to 374.1 per cent for dog-fish.

The wholesale value of fresh fish landings decreased by 2.3 per cent, from €1,034,521 in the fourth quarter of 2007 to €1,010,248 in the corresponding period last year on account of lower catches.

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