Infrastructure Minister Austin Gatt explained that the upcoming rise in utility tariffs will be necessary due to the increasing cost of oil which is used for the production of electricity. As drinking water is acquired mainly from high energy consumption reverse osmosis plants, the water tariffs are affected too.

The high dependency on oil again has to be shouldered by all Maltese households and enterprises. As a director of a manufacturing company in San Ġwann, I rate these increasing costs as very dangerous for the jobs at my company and also for the welfare of my employees.

I again appeal to the responsible authorities and entities to take immediate action. Also, the opposition and other organisations - be they close to employers or employees or other pressure groups - have to open their mouths and apply pressure on the system.

Incentives for the use of solar panels have to be issued again. But more than that, Malta has to become independent from oil. Don't just talk about wind farms for years. Erect them and connect them to the grid!

And don't just focus on oil and maybe wind. Explore the possibilities to make use of the long hours of sunshine and the high sea currents around the islands.

Discussions have been going on for too long. What we now need is action. Only liberalisation of the market and a new energy concept can secure a long-term distribution and lead to continuously low and stable tariffs. Doing something for the environment and the climate is a nice side effect.

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