A survey conducted by the Malta Communications Authority shows that most people are satisfied with the local postal service.
A consumer perception survey found that the majority of households (85%, compared to 78% in 2006) and small businesses (69.8%, compared to 79.8% in 2006) found the service provided by Maltapost to be either very good or fairly good.
In the case of large business mailers, these were asked to express their level satisfaction for thequality of postal services as a rating between 1 to 5, where 1 stood for very satisfied and 5 very dissatisfied. The average rating registered by large business mailers was 2.1 (compared to an average rating of 2.6 in 2006).
The surveys also looked into the use of Maltapost's website where it resulted that there was a higher proportion of small businesses (62%) to households (21.3%) that actually made use of Maltapost's website.
The majority of households (65.5%) do not use Maltapost‘s registered mail service. In contrast the majority of small businesses (78.3%) and large business mailers (96.9%) use this type of service. The majority of all the customers expressed satisfaction with this type of service. The level of satisfaction has also improved ,when compared to 2006, for all customers.
The majority of households (84.1%) and large business mailers (59.4%) do not use Maltapost's parcel post service. On the other hand, the majority of small businesses (57%) use this type of service. The majority of all the customers expressed satisfaction with this type of service. When compared to 2006 the satisfaction for this type of service increased for all the categories surveyed, the MCA said.