Trade Department turns down application for Naxxar trade fair

The Trade Department said today that 'after careful consideration' it had decided to turn down an application for the holding of a trade fair in Naxxar. TFEA Ltd said yesterday that it would hold a fair at Naxxar next month. The department explained ...

June 25, 2010| Times of Malta |03 min read
The trade fair grounds in Naxxar have not been used for a number of years.The trade fair grounds in Naxxar have not been used for a number of years.

The Trade Department said today that 'after careful consideration' it had decided to turn down an application for the holding of a trade fair in Naxxar.

TFEA Ltd said yesterday that it would hold a fair at Naxxar next month.

The department explained that a commercial licence was needed for every trade fair that was held. Before the granting of a licence could be considered, the applicant had to show that the premises where the fair was to be held has a trading licence to hold fairs.

It said that on 14 April 2010, TFEA applied to hold a commercial fair at the former trade fair grounds Naxxar. In its application it indicated that the grounds were licensed to hold fairs citing reactivated Licence 44/130. Since the licence, issued in 1975, was "to keep an office for the managing of the Malta International Fair at Nos 4 &5,Gwejda Street Naxxar” not to hold fairs from the grounds, TFEA was informed that its application could not be considered.

TFEA Ltd then instituted a court case. The First Court of the Civil Court ruled on June 18 that licence 44/130 was to be considered as covering the grounds in question and that the licence was enough for the grounds to be considered as a premises licensed for the holding of fairs.

The court decided that no other licence was necessary and no request for a development permit was needed. It ordered the Trade Department 'to consider' the application for a commercial fair within four days

The court also ruled that its decision was to be applied provisionally until a decision was taken by the Court of Appeal.

The department appealed both decisions but it considered the application for a commercial fair licence without prejudice to its appeals.

"Following careful consideration the application for a commercial fair from the grounds in question has been denied," the department said.

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