Public sector workers paid more than President

117 persons in the public sector are paid more than the President, information given in Parliament this evening shows. Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said those involved are: 17 consultants at Mater Dei Hospital, two consultants at Gozo General...

November 24, 2010| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

117 persons in the public sector are paid more than the President, information given in Parliament this evening shows.

Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said those involved are:

17 consultants at Mater Dei Hospital, two consultants at Gozo General Hospital, four consultants at St Vincent de Paule Home, the clinical chairman, St Vincent de Paule and a consultant at the Department for Care of the Elderly;

71 captains at Air Malta, four members of the senior management at Air Malta, the CEO, Lotteries and Gaming Authority, the chairman, MFSA, the director-general, MFSA, the CEO, Malta Tourism Authority, the executive chairman, Malta Communications Authority;

The chairman, Mepa, the Governor of the Central Bank, the CEO Malta Stock Exchange, the projects manager, Enemalta; the CEO, Enemalta;

The CEO, Malta Council for Science and Technology, the executive chairman, Malta Enterprise, the CEO, Malta Information Technology Agency; the head, flight operations directorate and three flight operations inspectors, and the Rector of the University.

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