These coastal cliffs span from Wied ix-Xaqqa (l/o Birżebbuġa) to the northern cliffs of Ċirkewwa and Qammieħ (Mellieħa).
The Għajn Tuffieħa area (l/o Mġarr) also provides habitat to the vulnerable species Hohenwartia hohenwarti, a snail which is known only to these slopes and the other slopes located within the Natura 2000 sites of the L-Imġiebaħ/Tal-Miġnuna area. A number of sandy beaches are found in the area, including one of the existing sand dunes in the Maltese islands known as Ramla tal-Mixquqa (l/o Mġarr).
A stretch of the cliffs between Xaqqa and Wied Moqbol offer an important habitat to two important bird species. There are nearly 500-1,000 Cory shearwater pairs and nearly 80-100 Yelkouan shearwater pairs.
The valleys found within the cliffs are important as feeding and resting places for migratory and wintering bird species.
This Natura 2000 site will be subject to the preparation of a management plan and/or legislation in the near future, as part of an EU-funded project that Mepa is undertaking for the management planning all the terrestrial Natura 2000 sites of the Maltese islands.