An illegal bird trophy collection was found half-burnt and lying by the side of a Burmarrad country road by animal rights activists this morning.

The gruesome find included stuffed specimens of protected birds such as a Marsh Harrier, three Kestrels, a Bee-Eater, a Stone Curlew and a Heron. Huntable species such as a Snipe, a Mallard, a Turtle Dove, a Woodpigeon, a Linnet and two crows.

The birds included several protected species. Photo: CABSThe birds included several protected species. Photo: CABS

It was found near Saint Margaret's chapel, Burmarrad by Committee Against Bird Slaughter (CABS) volunteers. Stuffed bird collections must be registered with the authorities, and CABS said that it suspects the collection was dumped by a hunter intending on replacing it with freshly-killed birds. 

In a statement, CABS said that it had immediately reported the find to the police, who collected the evidence and launched an investigation. 

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