Gudja councillor Stefan Caruana has confirmed his candidacy for the Nationalist Party’s general secretary post.

Since 2023, Caruana, 49, has served as the party’s executive organisational secretary on a voluntary basis, a role that functions as the assistant to the general secretary.

The nephew of slain PN activist Raymond Caruana, Caruana has been deeply involved in the PN for many years. In 2022, he contested the general elections but was unsuccessful.

It is the second name to emerge in two days after Charles Bonello, a private assistant of former prime minister Lawrence Gonzi, formally announced his candidature for the post on Saturday.

The current PN general secretary Michael Piccinino revealed he planned on stepping down last September, after holding the post since 2021.

Beyond politics, Caruana is a music lecturer at Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary School, a music director, and a village feast enthusiast.

Caruana told Times of Malta he had spoken with PN leader Bernard Grech a few weeks ago before deciding to apply for this position.

“I am determined to do my part to serve my country,” Caruana said.

With the general elections coming up in two years, Caruana said he intends to embrace the strategic plan that former PN MP Karl Gouder had adopted.

Gouder, who was the favourite to take on the role, tragically passed away two days after announcing his intention to run.

In December, Santa Luċija councillor Liam Sciberras also said he intended to contest the post. 

The general secretary is elected by the PN executive committee and is responsible for finances and the day-to-day running of the organisation. They are also often involved in political strategy and policy drafting.


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