The intruder caught on CCTV footage delivering a threatening note and a cannabis-filled bag on the doorstep of the private residence of European Commissioner Helena Dalli, admitted to the wrongdoing on Tuesday. 

Travis Francis Xuereb, 30, from St Venera, told a court that he had gone to the Dalli residence by mistake, thinking it was the residence of Irish mixed martial artist and boxer Conor McGregor and wanted to leave a gift.

He never meant any harm, he said.

Xuereb was arrested last week as the suspect who on July 31 morning, between 8.45 am and 9.15 am, was seen placing the items on the doorstep after driving up to the residence and walking up the driveway. 

The threatening note read: “Next time I will be prepared to get something for the kids.”

Conor McGregor is a mixed martial artist and boxer from Ireland. Photo: AFPConor McGregor is a mixed martial artist and boxer from Ireland. Photo: AFP

The case came to light after il-Mument reported it earlier this month.

Dalli later said that she had handed clear footage to the police right after the incident. 

Her son, lawyer Luke Dalli, criticized the police for not having seriously investigated the case.

The suspect was taken to Mount Carmel Hospital following his arrest, while police continued to investigate to determine whether other people could have been involved in the case. 

On Tuesday, the suspect was charged with trafficking cannabis and possessing the drug under circumstances denoting that it was not intended solely for personal use. 

He was also charged with secretly entering the family residence of Dalli's spouse. 

Other charges dated between February 2023 and August 2024 when the accused harassed a woman, misuse of electronic communications equipment, breach of bail as well as recidivism. 

The defendant registered an admission. 

His lawyers, Michael Sciriha and Roberto Spiteri, requested a pre-sentencing report and a treatment order in view of the fact that the accused was clearly suffering from a severe mental illness which triggered his criminal behaviour. 

Dallis 'terrified'

The pre-sentencing report would serve as a stepping stone towards the preparation of a stable treatment plan. 

Meanwhile, parte civile lawyers Franco Debono and Marion Camilleri informed the court that the Dallis were “terrified” by the incident and that a protection order would be in order. 

Debono also expressed gratitude towards the police corps for the handling of investigations into this case. 

The court upheld Debono’s request and issued a protection order in favour of the victims.

The defence did not request bail but requested the court to recommend that the accused be detained at the forensic ward.

The court presided over by magistrate Yana Micallef Stafrace, put off the case and remanded the accused in custody pending the drawing up of the pre-sentencing report. 

Inspectors Stephen Gulia and Keith Rizzo prosecuted. Lawyers Michael Sciriha and Roberto Spiteri are defence counsel. Lawyers Franco Debono and Marion Camilleri are appearing parte civile.

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