Six people tested positive for COVID-19 overnight and there were zero recoveries, according to health authorities' data.

This means that Malta's known active COVID-19 cases have now risen to 40.

The new cases were found on a day when healthcare workers carried out 2,250 swab tests.

No COVID-linked deaths have been reported since June 17.


A total of 315,768 people residing in Malta are fully vaccinated against the virus, while 659,488 single shots of COVID-19 vaccinations have been administered so far. 

Healthcare workers administered 4,839 vaccine doses on Monday. 

Health Minister Chris Fearne said on Saturday that more than 70 per cent of adults are now fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Malta is gearing up to start welcoming fully vaccinated British tourists with the authorities predicting the arrival of 150,000 British people in the coming months. 

But British families hoping to travel to Malta for a holiday this summer have been told they will have to leave their unvaccinated teenage children behind.

The authorities have meanwhile ironed out technical difficulties to allow Malta's vaccine certification system to be connected to an EU-wide one come July 1. 


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