Application approved despite UNESCO request for a Heritage Impact Assessment
Courts previously threw out plans for a hotel on the site made by the same developers
Event included guided tours, re-enactments and performances
The Archdiocese’s approach to restore and conserve its ecclesiastical assets, enhances Malta’s tourism product
Planning Authority showing disregard for the protection of heritage sites, NGOs say
Items currently on display at Archaeology Museum to move to Inquisitor’s Palace in January
Discovery includes an underground cave and shelter and an ancient tomb
NGOs organise cleanup as guardianship agreement remains in limbo
The chapel dates to the 15th century
Choosing The National Museum of Archaeology as your wedding venue
It was the residence of the Hollywood star and his wife
Activists warn Planning Authority of risk to world heritage status
From October to next May, the Planning Authority is organising a monthly educational walking tour called Mixja Madwarna centred around exploring the architectural heritage of one of Malta’s smallest villages – Qrendi
Ancient quarry found at site cultural watchdog had warned was archaeologically sensitive
Launch of Heritage Malta's display coincides with Birgufest
Re-zoning applicant told to resubmit plans that spare Razzett ta' San Ġużepp
NGOs organising a course in 'Latin from scratch' as of this month
Architect pleads for authorities to save the door
Architectural historian Conrad Thake says it’s a fine example that should be preserved and restored
Application process suspended at architect's request
The Church is duty bound to emphasise the importance of authentic and dignified celebrations
The current system had made a mockery of the appeals process
Area currently lacks a responsible entity despite its historical significance
We need to force developers, who don’t think about Malta’s history or heritage or culture, to behave differently
The first step towards exclusion from UNESCO's World Heritage List
One artefact was likely smuggled out of the country under piles of pasta
20-year-old detained overnight after his scooter caused €400 in damages
The agency meets once a year to update the list
Sadeen seeks to renew permit to extend students' house
The conical adobe structures are designed to keep cool in the blazing desert sun
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