The prominent newspaper stories of the last half a century
A day of connection, compassion and hope
Event to include procession and public talks
Before the island’s independence the British colours featured regularly in formal events, besides being put to less iconic uses
Today’s social and personal listings
Historical fiction writer launches fifth novel in The Sassana Stone series in Australia
Four beautiful new stamps to be released next week will take Maltese cats around the world
An exhibition to commemorate the 50-year anniversary of the Manikata parish church
Ceremony honours actors and mind behind ‘L-Imsallab fi Triqatna’
Today's social and personal listings
Clocks to be moved forward by an hour
‘Strengthening intergenerational solidarity for enduring well-being’
Remedies Campus Hub extends opening hours thanks to drive-through service
‘Lost Fashion Shops of Valletta: The Untold Stories’ will highlight fashion’s influence on evolving consumption trends in the 19th and early 20th century
An opportunity to visit dozens of artisans and makers in their studios and explore their creative processes
Charles Cassar ran on Labour ticket but served as independent due to a conviction
Participants will explore faith through the journey of St Peter
Miraculous image of Christ the Redeemer to be exposed from Monday to Thursday
Road surfacing works by Infrastructure Malta
Students introduced to the traditional Chinese pipa
A talented actor and a very special person, a mentor, a friend for life
Think, Understand, Learn, is applied to all subject areas at all levels at St Edward’s College.
Concept of person safety should not be restricted nor limited in application and scope
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