Europe’s identity crisis - John Cassar White
Europe’s political and business leaders are focussed on stimulating the sluggish economies that have been in decline even before the medical crisis inflicted massive damage. But other slow burning issues can inflict even more long-term damage to the...
Those gym-pumped veins – Kristina Chetcuti
This was the week when we realised that the new normal was going to be the old normal after all. Firstly, it started with the prime minister’s raucous ramble on One on Sunday. He was on first gear defensive mode, explaining to us why he “had to bring...
Editorial: A migrant plan that was destined to fail
Malta’s handling of irregular migration in the central Mediterranean over the last few weeks has been neither dignified nor successful. As the Libyan civil war deteriorated and the weather improved, the strong possibility of a migration surge during...
German NGO Sea-Watch resumes migrant rescue operations
German aid group Sea-Watch said Monday it had resumed its migrant rescue operations in the Mediterranean after a three-month break, when Europe was largely in lockdown over the coronavirus pandemic. The Sea-Watch 3 rescue vessel had left the Sicilian...