Labour leader Joseph Muscat is to be co-opted to Parliament and appointed Leader of the Opposition on October 1, the House Business Committee agreed this morning.

The House is due to meet on Monday, September 29 after the summer recess when a Labour MP who was elected at a casual election will announce his resignation, leaving his seat to Dr Muscat.

The Committee agreed that on October 1 the Leader of the House will move a motion for Dr Muscat to be co-opted to the House.

He will then be sworn in as Leader of the Opposition by the President.

The Labour MPs who were elected through a casual election were Owen Bonnici, Gavin Gulia, Joe Debono Grech, Joseph Cuschieri, Joe M. Sammut and Chris Agius. The MLP has refused to say who of them will resign, since the announcement will be made by the MP concerned in the House itself.

Dr Muscat is due to resign from the European Parliament later this month.

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