A sea search for a Maltese diver reported missing at Ghajn Tuffieha Bay had to be called off early this afternoon because of severe weather conditions, an AFM spokesman said.

Herbert Mercieca , 34, from Rabat, was reported missing by his brother Jesmond at 10.30 p.m. yesterday and the AFM Rescue Co-ordination Centre immediately launched a search and rescue operation, despite the adverse weather conditions. The weather at the time was South-Easterly Force 5 becoming Easterly Force 7 to Gale Force 8.

The launch 'Melita 1' and a team of Explosive Ordnance Divers were dispatched to the area where they found the diver's diving float and harpoon. A car believed to belong to him was also found.

A search along the coast is also being made by AFM and Civil Protection Department personnel.

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