Debenhams' department store, which is due to open in Malta next Spring, is to launch its first major recruitment drive.

"We are looking to build a team of individuals with the right attitude and work ethic, keeping focus on our customers in whatever we do. Our initial drive is aimed to fill the key positions namely those of the visual merchandiser, operations, merchandiser and warehousing. We are especially interested in hearing from skilled individuals who enjoy working in the fast-moving and exciting fashion industry, and who nurture teamwork, customer focus and attention to detail," said Kevin Gollcher , General Manager of United Department Stores.

"We shall then be having a second recruitment drive that will be focusing on our sales team later on in the year," explained Mr Gollcher.

Debenhams will be the main tenant at The Point in Tigne. The store will take just under 3,000sqm of the 14,000 sqm of the shopping centre. The department store will be operated under a franchise agreement by United Department Stores Ltd, a fully owned subsidiary of United Group Ltd.

Debenhams has over 150 department stores in the UK and Republic of Ireland, and over 50 international stores. In the last six months, five new international stores and a new UK store were opened. By the end of 2009 Debenhams will be opening an additional three stores in the UK with a further three stores internationally.

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