A replica 17th century Spanish galleon, the Andalucia, sailed into Grand Harbour this afternoon for a short visit.

The 52-metre vessel sailed past the sleek Maltese Falcon, one of the biggest modern sailing yachts in the world, as it headed for the Valletta Waterfront, where it will remain for most of this week.

Galeón Andalucía is the result of extensive historical research into shipbuilding methods of the era.

Ships of this type traded between Spain, America and Asia for generations, and the replica will follow the same route in a round the world trip which started in Seville on March 22. The ship will promote Spain at the World expo in Shanghai.

Galeón Andalucía will be open to visitors on Wednesday between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. and from 4-7 p.m.

It is represented in Malta by Kirton and Co.

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