Second RN ship in harbour

HMS Atherstone is visiting Malta between today and Sunday, joining the frigate HMS Lancaster, which arrived yesterday. HMS Atherstone is a Hunt Class mine countermeasures vessel. It was commissioned in 1986 and remains, along with the rest of her...

May 12, 2010| Times of Malta 1 min read
Times of MaltaTimes of Malta

HMS Atherstone is visiting Malta between today and Sunday, joining the frigate HMS Lancaster, which arrived yesterday.

HMS Atherstone is a Hunt Class mine countermeasures vessel. It was commissioned in 1986 and remains, along with the rest of her class, the largest warship in the world made of glass reinforced plastic.

The ship is on its way home after being deployed in the Arabian Gulf for 27 months where it completed warm water mine warfare training and conducted maritime security operations to deter illegal activity on the high seas.

On its way to Malta, the ship supported anti-piracy and anti-terrorist operations in the Indian Ocean and NATO’s Operation Active Endeavour in the Mediterranean. The ship also conducted exercises with the Royal Navy of Oman.

The ship will not be open to the public during its stay.

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